About Me

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I am a wife, daughter, sister, aunt, god-mother, grand-daughter, cousin, niece, and a now a MOM! I am married to my best friend, and sometimes pain in the butt husband:O) We live in New Jersey, and for the most part lead very quiet lives(very different from our single lives!) I am the mothe of a beautiful boy, Raziel Lucian Quinonez. He is definately the love of my life and I am mgrateful for each moment I get to spend with him.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Rounder and rounder.

Ok, the belly is starting to get nice and round! Finally!! I will post belly pics at the end of April though, that way I look less jiggly, and more pregnant( HAHA). Nothings really going on right now, except I crave cheeseburgers, and I can't really get comfortable at night. I'm taking lots of pics for the babies 'What went on when you were in the belly book.' The month of March was exciting, because JJ was born! This month we find out the sex, easter, and momma turns 28! (Gee's i'm getting old) So, just wanted to give everyone a little update, and in about a week and half i'll be taking bets on what we're having (lol).

Monday, March 22, 2010

I got a feeling.

So, we had a sonogrqm last week, and I have to admit it was so exciting. I saw our babies little legs, arms, head, and body. I can't believe that something soo small, could have soo much! Now, I find myself smiling randomly and touching my stomach more. Seeing the baby look like a baby made it more real some how. We saw the little heart beat again, and I was over the moon! "That's my baby" I kept thinking. We're in our second trimester now. WOW! Time goes by so fast. The Dr. kept our Sept. 27th due date! Which is cool. I think it's funny, because i'm a spring baby, Vash is a summer baby, and our baby will be a fall baby! On April 12th we are going to try to find out the sex. I would like a girl, but honestly I think it's a boy. Which is fine by me to. I also read that the baby is starting to reconize my voice. Amazing! He/she already knows i'm mommy! I'm feeling so amazing and emotional. It's o.k ,because now it's great emotions, and when I cry it's because i'm going to be a mom! Happy tears all the way!

Friday, March 12, 2010

An amazing experience!

Yesterday morning I got to witness an amazing experience. I got to see the birth of my nephew Jose. Now usually I cringe and the thought of giving birth freaks me out, but this didn't. I have to say it was the most amazing thing I have ever seen! I mean I was apart of something big. I mean i'll be able to tell my nephew that I was there for the whole thing. I'm only her sister, but I can kinda guess how a mother would feel watching her child become a parent.
I am so lucky to be the kind of sister who experienced their siblings as babies and can watch them have babies. It's the same way I felt when Louie ( my uncle/ brother) had his baby. I remember holding them and now i'm holding their babies! How amazing is that? I can't wait until my baby comes, and I can only hope i'm half as strong as my little sister was. That girl gave birth naturally! So, I have to say, as I come to the end of this blog, that I am bursting with love! Love for my new nephew Jose (JJ), my nephew Michael, my godson Aiden, and my little foot.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What's in a name?

Everything! It may be hard to believe, but Vash and I had our baby names picked out awhile ago. I mean we've tweaked them here and there, but we are happy with our choices. So, at my sister's baby shower, someone asked us if we had any names picked out. Now, at first I was going to say no, because of peoples reaction to my baby shower themes( They asked! I know it's a bit early to be thinking about it). But, I went ahead, and told them anyway. The look on their faces (it was two of them) were priceless! One of them went so far as to say, " You have to think about how that is going to look on a resume." (Seriously! The baby isn't even out yet!) Now, let's be honest, I am not traditional, my husband is not traditional, and our damn baby shower theme isn't even traditional. What would make you think our choices in names would be? I kept my cool though and told them that there are meanings behind the names we chose. But seriously, it's our decision. Just like it's everyone else's and no two people are the same. What sounds good to one person, won't sound good to another. Just because I may not choose a name for myself, doesn't mean i'd rag on that persons choice. I know people like that are everywhere, but I really have a low tolrence for them. So, here are our top choices. If it's a boy, Raziel (means the left hand of god or the lord is my secret, and he's an archangel) Lucian Quinonez, and for a girl it's Aurora( means dawn or I saw in another place goddess of light. Alos from sleeping beauty :O) Jubilee Quinonez.

P.S. Our baby shower themes are: rocker for a boy and punk rock princess for a girl!

Monday, March 8, 2010

To be or not to be....

so, the husband and i had a discussion this morning, about whether or not i should stay home after the baby is born. i keep going back and forth on the subject. i want to be home and take care of the baby, but all i've ever know is work. it's been my main focuss since i was 17 years old. theses are the kind of decisions i never thought i would make, because in all honesty i always thought the answer would be clear. of course i would immediately go back to work. so, i need a little help in this area. what should i be? a stay at home mom or a working mom?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Our first sonogram.

We had our first sonogram on thursday, and I have to say it was amazing! It's one thing to see pregnant on the pregnancy test, and another to see your little one on the screen. It makes it more real some how, especially since I havent been having alot of morning sickness. It was a very happy moment for me and Vash(the husband). When you see that little thing growing inside of you, you realize that you've made the right decision. I had been feeling a little depressed for a few days, but at work I finally shook it off. I want to be a happy mommy and enjoy every aspect of this pregnancy. I'll never get these moments back. I am also waiting for the arrival of my new nephew Jose Jossiah Rosario. I can't wait to see what he looks like. It's been the time of babies in my family. So, I can't really complain. I am generally happy and just can't wait until we finish painting and decorating. I don't care if people think it's too soon, and that we should wait. I enjoy doing things at my own time and pace. So, until next time blog world.