About Me

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I am a wife, daughter, sister, aunt, god-mother, grand-daughter, cousin, niece, and a now a MOM! I am married to my best friend, and sometimes pain in the butt husband:O) We live in New Jersey, and for the most part lead very quiet lives(very different from our single lives!) I am the mothe of a beautiful boy, Raziel Lucian Quinonez. He is definately the love of my life and I am mgrateful for each moment I get to spend with him.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The BIG 2-8

Today is my 28th birthday!! I have to admit that this birthday means so much more to me then the previous ones, because in some ways I am shareing it with my son. We have already eaten a red velvet cupcake and daddy's left over dinner. I'm working today, but it's alright, because I am in such a happy mood. I never would have imagined that for my birthday I would be married, pregnant, and surrounded by so much love! Later it's dinner with my family!!