About Me

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I am a wife, daughter, sister, aunt, god-mother, grand-daughter, cousin, niece, and a now a MOM! I am married to my best friend, and sometimes pain in the butt husband:O) We live in New Jersey, and for the most part lead very quiet lives(very different from our single lives!) I am the mothe of a beautiful boy, Raziel Lucian Quinonez. He is definately the love of my life and I am mgrateful for each moment I get to spend with him.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Raziel's birth story.

     Today my little man is a month old. I haven't updated in awhile so I figured his birth story is a great way to get back into the swing of things. So here it is:

     On Sept 20, 2010 ( a Monday) I had my weekly Dr's appt. Raziel was due on Sept 27th, and I was hoping he would come earlier, because I had already started my maternity leave. The Dr. checked me, and said that here was no change, but yo u never know. I was a little disapointed. I went to Target afterwards and walked around. I think between the Dr's exam and the walking; I kick started labor. I left Target, and my lower back started hurting. I didn't really pay attention to it, because my back was always hurting at that point. I went to my grandmother's house to wait for Vash. We had decided that we would have our last two dates that week. The first date was to eat at Pee Dee's steak house! YUM!!

     While I was waiting for Vash to call I started getting little pains, but still didn't think anything of it. When he called, I walked over to Pee Dee's, and the pains started getting worse. We ordered our food ( I got a cheddar cheese burger, baked potato, and chocolate putting for dessert) sat down, and started eating. The pains started getting worse ( by now I told Vash I thought they were contractions), and we decided it was best we stay in the city just in case. After we finished eating, we went back to my grandmothers house, and the pain got worse. My cousin was there and we talked about the very real possibility that I was going into labor.

     My grandmother, Vash, and cousin went to bed, but I couldn't sleep, because I was really starting to feel the pain. I decided to take a warm bath, and shortly after I got out I lost my mucous plug! (YUCKK) I was feeling pretty bad, so Vash said we should go to the hospital, but they ended up sending us home. (We went around one and I was only 3 centimeters dialated) We went back to the hospital around 5:30 a.m, and I was admitted at 6:00 a.m. I like to say that I was a trooper, but everyone around me encouraged me to take the drugs(lol), so I did. It was the best thing ever!

     The Dr. told them to start pitocin, and I was there for awhile without much improvement. The Dr. was going to break my water, but didn't have to it. It broke on it's own at 6:40 p.m. It was a very weird feeling, and I was so calm about it. After that I started moving along, and eventually not even the epidural could stop the pain of birth. I knew I was ready. It's a weird feeing, because when your about to give birth you know. Your body just knows that it's time. Your mind knows that it's time. At least that's how it happened for me. I knew it was time for my baby to come into the world.

     Now, what was so frustrating about giving birth? My freak'n Dr. went home!! So here I was knowing that he was coming, and the nurses were telling me not to push, because my DR. wasn't there yet. I was really freak'n pissed. When he got there they told me to start pushing( I don't think they realized how close I was), because his head started showing, and they told me to stop. They had to get the bed ready. I was amazed and seriously annoyed by then. After they got the bed ready I pushed for like 10 minutes, and Raziel was born!!

     Hearing him cry was the most amazing sound I have ever heard in my whole life. Even now my eyes start watering with the memory of his first sounds. All I kept asking was if he was o.k. Vash was soo happy. When I got to hold him for the first time, I was amazed at the little person that was once inside of me. He was amazing!! It was seriously life changeing and beautiful. It was a moment I will never forget. I am so truely blessed to have been able to experience it. Raziel Lucian Quinonez was born on September 21, 2010 at 11:14 p.m. The greastest day of my life. :O)