Monday, December 27, 2010
Just a little Razi information.
Posted by Mrs.Q at 8:19 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 16, 2010
.A bath with daddy and a babbling baby.
Also Razi is quit the talker now. He gets really exited and loud. The best part is that he recognizes us!! When he sees one of us, his face lights up! It melts my heart every time. I am so so blessed!
Posted by Mrs.Q at 12:56 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 11, 2010
The ' right way', ' their way', and your way.
Nf/nIn the months leading up to Raziel's arrival I read everything I could get my hands on. I wanted to know what was going on with this life that was being created inside of me. Now that Raziel is here, I haven't read a damn thing, and this is why.
When he was born there was the ' right way to things'. I tried these things and we were not happy! For example breast feeding!! It was the most horrible time for us. He was frustrated, I was frustrated, they spoke to me about nipple confussion(nipple what!?) Blah blah blah!! Then I did it my way, and we're the happiest duo ever!
Then came 'their way'. Examples: Maybe you should feed him more. This said person proceeded to give him more ounces then he ate, but because they were doing it in a sneaky way ; they didn't add enough formula. He shouldn't lay like that. Even though that was and is the only way he sleeps comfortably. He's spoiled! But then every time he made a sound, people would pick him up!
Then there is ' your way'. This is the best way! Almost 3 months in and Raziel is thriving! We have him on a schedule, that we came up with, and he's taking to it wonderfully. I listen to what feels right to me and to my baby. So what if I hold him to much! So what if he's a little chunky! So what if I give him formula! So freaking what!(sorry venting) The truth is there is no ' right way' with a baby. ' Their way' may not work for you. So go ahead. Do it your way, because that's the best way!
Posted by Mrs.Q at 12:18 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
The thing that makes my heart smile.
Is that wonderful smile. I come home from work and he smiles at me. My day gets instantly better. I'm so in love with my little boy.
Posted by Mrs.Q at 7:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Our first Thanksgiving as a family.
Posted by Mrs.Q at 12:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: Family, Thanksgiving
Sunday, November 28, 2010
I love him!
Yes, I love him, everything about him. I love his little tiny toes, his little tiny hands, his gorgeous gray eyes, the way his hair parts to the side, and even the way he whines. I love him. I love him more then I ever thought was possible, and when he smile at me I realize that I can always love him a little more. He's perfect, even on not so perfect days. He's a part of me in so many ways, a perfect litle mini-tabitha. I see a lot of myself in him, even now, and I know I am in trouble. But it's all o.k, because I would not, will not, trade this feeling of complete love for anything. I love him. When i'm away from him, I can't wait until he's back in my arms again. Sometimes I rush home just to be able to play with him. I Love Him. My little boy, my life, the reason why my heart beats, and my soul smiles!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE HIM!
Posted by Mrs.Q at 11:01 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Battle of the bottle.
Tonight was a difficult night for Raziel and I. He's getting so big, so fast, and he wants more milk. He slurps down his milk, and if it doesn't come out fast enough he screeches! If I take the bottle out to burp him it's like world war 3. I have the most stubborn two month old baby I have ever known. I have a feeling that we are going to have epic battles! What can I expect? He's his mother's son.
Posted by Mrs.Q at 8:58 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 15, 2010
The most beautifullest thing in this world!
Posted by Mrs.Q at 2:22 PM 0 comments
BoBo Wars!!
Bobo wars: my son and I have a war with his pacifier! He wants it to calm him down, but then realizes that the rocking and the pacifier are putting him to sleep. He spits it out, cries, I put it back in, he's quiet, he spits it out again, cries again, and what do I do? Hell, I put it right back in his my mouth of course!!
Posted by Mrs.Q at 2:04 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Raziel's birth story.
Today my little man is a month old. I haven't updated in awhile so I figured his birth story is a great way to get back into the swing of things. So here it is:
On Sept 20, 2010 ( a Monday) I had my weekly Dr's appt. Raziel was due on Sept 27th, and I was hoping he would come earlier, because I had already started my maternity leave. The Dr. checked me, and said that here was no change, but yo u never know. I was a little disapointed. I went to Target afterwards and walked around. I think between the Dr's exam and the walking; I kick started labor. I left Target, and my lower back started hurting. I didn't really pay attention to it, because my back was always hurting at that point. I went to my grandmother's house to wait for Vash. We had decided that we would have our last two dates that week. The first date was to eat at Pee Dee's steak house! YUM!!
While I was waiting for Vash to call I started getting little pains, but still didn't think anything of it. When he called, I walked over to Pee Dee's, and the pains started getting worse. We ordered our food ( I got a cheddar cheese burger, baked potato, and chocolate putting for dessert) sat down, and started eating. The pains started getting worse ( by now I told Vash I thought they were contractions), and we decided it was best we stay in the city just in case. After we finished eating, we went back to my grandmothers house, and the pain got worse. My cousin was there and we talked about the very real possibility that I was going into labor.
My grandmother, Vash, and cousin went to bed, but I couldn't sleep, because I was really starting to feel the pain. I decided to take a warm bath, and shortly after I got out I lost my mucous plug! (YUCKK) I was feeling pretty bad, so Vash said we should go to the hospital, but they ended up sending us home. (We went around one and I was only 3 centimeters dialated) We went back to the hospital around 5:30 a.m, and I was admitted at 6:00 a.m. I like to say that I was a trooper, but everyone around me encouraged me to take the drugs(lol), so I did. It was the best thing ever!
The Dr. told them to start pitocin, and I was there for awhile without much improvement. The Dr. was going to break my water, but didn't have to it. It broke on it's own at 6:40 p.m. It was a very weird feeling, and I was so calm about it. After that I started moving along, and eventually not even the epidural could stop the pain of birth. I knew I was ready. It's a weird feeing, because when your about to give birth you know. Your body just knows that it's time. Your mind knows that it's time. At least that's how it happened for me. I knew it was time for my baby to come into the world.
Now, what was so frustrating about giving birth? My freak'n Dr. went home!! So here I was knowing that he was coming, and the nurses were telling me not to push, because my DR. wasn't there yet. I was really freak'n pissed. When he got there they told me to start pushing( I don't think they realized how close I was), because his head started showing, and they told me to stop. They had to get the bed ready. I was amazed and seriously annoyed by then. After they got the bed ready I pushed for like 10 minutes, and Raziel was born!!
Hearing him cry was the most amazing sound I have ever heard in my whole life. Even now my eyes start watering with the memory of his first sounds. All I kept asking was if he was o.k. Vash was soo happy. When I got to hold him for the first time, I was amazed at the little person that was once inside of me. He was amazing!! It was seriously life changeing and beautiful. It was a moment I will never forget. I am so truely blessed to have been able to experience it. Raziel Lucian Quinonez was born on September 21, 2010 at 11:14 p.m. The greastest day of my life. :O)
Posted by Mrs.Q at 8:28 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 18, 2010
From my heart.
I never thought I had anything worth another person being jealous over, until someone told me they were a little jealous over the fact that I got pregnant. It took me by surprise(I wasn't angry). Someone was jealous of me? Then I realized, that I have been able to experience a miracle that some women may never get to experience, or will have to go down a painful road to eperience. I get to feel my child grow inside of me. I actually get to have a baby. I read all kinds of blogs on here, and i've been reading blogs about women who are using medical treatments to try and conceive. My heart goes out to them. These women are stronger then i'll ever be. Through their blogs i've witness their strenght and courage. I honestly never thought i'd get to be a mom. The truth is I conviced myself I didn't deserve it. But these women know what they want. They know that being a mother was what they were made for. How could they not be gifted with a child of their own? It just doesn't seem right. My heart goes out to them, and my wish for every woman who is going through this is : That they be blessed, the way that I am blessed. That one day they will get to hear their child call them mommy(however it happens, adoption, fertility drugs). That they continue to be strong and not give up, because every woman deserves to be a mother one day.
Posted by Mrs.Q at 6:37 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 17, 2010
10 more days!!
Yes, 10 more days, until my due date! I soo wish Raziel would feel like making his entrance into this world early. I look into his nursery/room and I want to cry. Mostly because i'm soo happy he'll be here soon, and a little part of me is sad because I can't hold him yet. I feel him kick, and when I lay on one side for a long time I can feel his little body as well. It's the most amazing feeling, and I can't even begin to imagine what he's going to look like when he comes out. All I feel is love and happiness in these moments. It's amazing that mine and Vash's love for one another made this little person. A perfect representation of our love for one another. My son, my angel, my new reason for being, and my little monster who kicks me like crazy. I have never known a love like this, and I am so happy that I get to experience it. Thank You Raziel for giving my life new meaning :O)
Posted by Mrs.Q at 6:02 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Sad evening discovery.
Yesterday after work, my co-worker and I, saw a pregnant women sitting on the floor with a sign that read, 'homeless, need $, food, or any baby things.' This bothered me so much and made me very sad. I realized( again) how fortunate and truely blessed I am. I have a home, food, and a great familythat would never allow me to end up in that kind of situation. I also felt sad for her unborn child, because I thought what kind of life is the child going to be brought up into? My son will have a nice warm home to come home to, and this child doesn't even have anything; but the protection of his or her's mother's womb for now. It was very disturbing and made my heart so heavy. So my prayers go out to that woman, and hopefully you all will pray for her as well. Pray that her child will be taken care of and loved.
Posted by Mrs.Q at 7:20 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 3, 2010
3 weeks to go!!
Yup, three more weeks until my due date, and I have to say I want this baby out of me!! LOL i'm so tied al ofl the time, and for the first time in my life I have CANKLESS!! It's been a little weird these past two weeks, because Vash has another part-time job during the day now, and he's not home to cook me dinner :OP I also just miss having home when i'm home. It's weird the little things you get use to. So, I decided to go back to work part-time, because in all honesty I am a workaholic; and i don't think i'd be able to stay home all day, every day. This gives me a chance to get out for aa few hours, and still feel like i'm contributing something to our household.
We should be moving to our new apartment this weekend! Yay us!! So, while other people are enjoying their long weekend away, we'll be panting the babies new room, putting together the rocking chair, and settling into "hopefully" our last apartment, for awhile anyway. This is also my last week at work( going on maternity leave). I guess I should try to stick it out closer to my due date, but when your job requires you to stand all day, it is just to difficult. Well, just a little update :O) until next time.
Posted by Mrs.Q at 11:24 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 14, 2010
6 weeks on Monday!!
Yes, six weeks on Monday, and I can't believe it. Raziel, Raziel, you are soo close, and yet soo far!. I want to hold my baby and look into his eyes. I want to smell his little feet(I have a thing for baby feet) I want to look at him asleep, and marvel at him while he is awake. I want my baby damn it!! lol. I know it's all going to come faster then I know it, but I guess all women feel this way when they get to this stage. We still have a ton of stuff to do, like move upstairs, pack my hospital bag, take a tour of the hospital, finish his room, and I think I should have a birthing plan. Hmmm. Didn't realize that there is alot to do before our baby comes! Hopefully this list will keep me occupied. Working has also been a big help with the time. I'm usually so tired afterwards that I don't think about anything, but dinner and sleep :OP Our next baby shower is in two weeks, and I am excited!! Vash and I are going to take our own pregnancy pics!! Yay I will definately post them. Till later everyone.
Posted by Mrs.Q at 5:59 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
A little post.
Hello, it's been awhile since i've posted anything. It's just been soo busy. Well next week we'll be 8 1/2 months along, and i'm amazed at how fast the time has gone by. We had our first baby shower last friday, and it was fun. It was especially great, because my best friend came from Iraq!! The only problem is that i'm soo tired all the time, and very achy. It all comes with the pregnancy, that's what I tel myself :OP So, this was just a little up date. Hopefully Raziel comes soon. I can't wait!!
Posted by Mrs.Q at 6:26 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
6 1/2 months!
We're six and a half months now, and Raziel is moving like crazy! :O) It's like all of a sudden he's like, "Here I am mom!" I'm so excited that I can feel him alot more. He's starting to have certain times when he moves around, and I think the sound of the blow dryer startles him. We're almost done his room, and it makes me feel at ease. I don't want to rush anything. i want to enjoy the whole process. I leave the door to his room open, just to look inside at his stuff, and I know it's not a dream. I am getting ready to begin a whole new part of my life :O) So, just a small update. Monday I have my glucose test, and on July ;O3rd we do our other 3d sonogram. I hope he has my nose!! Whatever he has I know i'll be in love, but I really really want him to have my nose. lol. So, until next time. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
Posted by Mrs.Q at 6:17 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Maternity jeans.
Today I wore my very first pair of maternity jeans, and I am happy. They fit me great, and as a bonus I got them on sale! YAY We also went for our other anatomy scan, because Raziel was so un-cooperative the last time; but he was great this morning. It might have had something to do with his mama drinking the OJ lol. I was so happy to see that everything looks ok. It's always so amazing to see his little heart beating and to hear it. My love for him just keeps on growing. This whole experience has changed me in so many ways, and I am so thankful. I also feel him kicking more, and I can't wait until Vash can feel him kick too. So, just a little up date. :O)
Posted by Mrs.Q at 4:11 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 22, 2010
The Love of my Life!

Posted by Mrs.Q at 6:31 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 29, 2010
The BIG 2-8
Posted by Mrs.Q at 10:35 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 26, 2010
It's a BOY!!
So, today we had our 3D ultrasound, and we're having a boy! I have to say I knew it, but kept a little hope that it would be a girl. The truth is it really doesn't matter. This was the best early birthday present I could ever give myself! I am surrounded by little boys! I am very happy, and feel so lucky. God has blessed me in the most beautiful way. I have always pictured Raziel in mind, and now in a few months he will be in my arms. My beautiful angel of God. I just want to cry the happiest tears right now!! Ohh, and let me tell you he was still stubborn, he had his legs crossed again! Mama had to drink orange juice ,and walk around, then he loosened up! LOL he is his mother's child. I get to say he!! WOW, it's so amazing!!
Posted by Mrs.Q at 11:27 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
A weighty issue.
Ok, I am trying really hard not to let this bother me, but the truth is, it is. Last night I was hysterical crying, because of the 6 or 7 lbs i've gained so far. Now, usually this wouldn't bother me, but every time I put something in my mouth, someone makes a comment about how big i'm going to get! It's like holy crap am I not suppose to eat.? It might just be that people don't realize that what or how they say things are going to have an affect on me( they might be joking), but the truth is it really hurts my feelings. I have struggled with weight my whole life, and I seriously don't need people clocking every thing I eat all day. It's like I heard someone talking about my pregnancy over the phone the other day and they were like ' She's huge!' Damn, I didn't t hink I was that big! I actually thought I was looking pretty good so far.
All this talk about my weight makes me want to go and hide everytime eat. It makes me want to diet and do 3 hours of exercise. I'm suppose to be feeling so beautiful, but when I get around people, all I want to do is hide. I just don't understand it. It's like when I was fat and ate, noone said anything. Now that i'm pregnant and eating everything is going to make me fat, and i'm going to give birth to a huge baby. I realize I might just be overly sensitive to this issue and laugh it off when someone says anything, but the truth is when I get home I feel like crap. Vash is being so supportive, and I know he doesn't understand why i'm breaking down, but if you heard this all the time wouldn't you start feeling self - concious. I just want to have a healthy pregnancy and baby. I don't need the rude comments or the jokes. I don't understand why people have to do that.
Posted by Mrs.Q at 3:50 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Our stubborn baby!
So, we went for our sonogram yesterday(which I was soo excited for, because we might see the sex!), and our baby was just hanging out. I mean the baby was just laying there with his or her's legs crossed, sucking on a thumb, and happily not moving. LOL I guess I shouldn't have expected anything else but a stubborn baby. I mean his/her parents are very stubborn people. It was still great to see the baby developing. We heard it's little heartbeat and I am one happy mommy. They took like 7 tubes of blood from me, and I was cool as a cucumber. I'm actually feeling more like a pregnant women each day, because my body is saying, "Hey you, yes you, your pregnant!" I am feeling awesome and a little pudgy, but hey what am I gonna do? Whatever is good for the baby is good for me. I was telling Vash that it's so amazing how you can love something so un-conditionally already, and I haven't even really seen it. I haven't held it, but it's as real to me as my nephews and godson. I am a fortunate woman.
Posted by Mrs.Q at 6:38 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 5, 2010
What kind will I be?
What kind of mother will I be? That's the new question in my head these days. I ask these questions, because I am so old fashion, tough, and I have very strict point of views. Sometimes I look at my sisters Rose and Dyani, and wonder how they dealt with me. So, I was kinda worried that i'd be some kind of Nazi mom, but then my little sister said something to me that made me happy. She said, " Your going to be a good mom, and your not too strict!" Ha! that coming from Dyani! I guess I must have been doing something right as the crazy, mean, old fashioned sister. Lol, so I think i'll be a cool, hip, lovable, strict, strong, old-fashion mom type, but hey that's exactly how I am normally. And guess what? That's totally ok!
Posted by Mrs.Q at 3:36 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Rounder and rounder.
Ok, the belly is starting to get nice and round! Finally!! I will post belly pics at the end of April though, that way I look less jiggly, and more pregnant( HAHA). Nothings really going on right now, except I crave cheeseburgers, and I can't really get comfortable at night. I'm taking lots of pics for the babies 'What went on when you were in the belly book.' The month of March was exciting, because JJ was born! This month we find out the sex, easter, and momma turns 28! (Gee's i'm getting old) So, just wanted to give everyone a little update, and in about a week and half i'll be taking bets on what we're having (lol).
Posted by Mrs.Q at 7:10 AM 0 comments
Labels: pregnancy
Monday, March 22, 2010
I got a feeling.
So, we had a sonogrqm last week, and I have to admit it was so exciting. I saw our babies little legs, arms, head, and body. I can't believe that something soo small, could have soo much! Now, I find myself smiling randomly and touching my stomach more. Seeing the baby look like a baby made it more real some how. We saw the little heart beat again, and I was over the moon! "That's my baby" I kept thinking. We're in our second trimester now. WOW! Time goes by so fast. The Dr. kept our Sept. 27th due date! Which is cool. I think it's funny, because i'm a spring baby, Vash is a summer baby, and our baby will be a fall baby! On April 12th we are going to try to find out the sex. I would like a girl, but honestly I think it's a boy. Which is fine by me to. I also read that the baby is starting to reconize my voice. Amazing! He/she already knows i'm mommy! I'm feeling so amazing and emotional. It's o.k ,because now it's great emotions, and when I cry it's because i'm going to be a mom! Happy tears all the way!
Posted by Mrs.Q at 5:30 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 12, 2010
An amazing experience!
Posted by Mrs.Q at 5:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
What's in a name?
Everything! It may be hard to believe, but Vash and I had our baby names picked out awhile ago. I mean we've tweaked them here and there, but we are happy with our choices. So, at my sister's baby shower, someone asked us if we had any names picked out. Now, at first I was going to say no, because of peoples reaction to my baby shower themes( They asked! I know it's a bit early to be thinking about it). But, I went ahead, and told them anyway. The look on their faces (it was two of them) were priceless! One of them went so far as to say, " You have to think about how that is going to look on a resume." (Seriously! The baby isn't even out yet!) Now, let's be honest, I am not traditional, my husband is not traditional, and our damn baby shower theme isn't even traditional. What would make you think our choices in names would be? I kept my cool though and told them that there are meanings behind the names we chose. But seriously, it's our decision. Just like it's everyone else's and no two people are the same. What sounds good to one person, won't sound good to another. Just because I may not choose a name for myself, doesn't mean i'd rag on that persons choice. I know people like that are everywhere, but I really have a low tolrence for them. So, here are our top choices. If it's a boy, Raziel (means the left hand of god or the lord is my secret, and he's an archangel) Lucian Quinonez, and for a girl it's Aurora( means dawn or I saw in another place goddess of light. Alos from sleeping beauty :O) Jubilee Quinonez.
P.S. Our baby shower themes are: rocker for a boy and punk rock princess for a girl!
Posted by Mrs.Q at 3:47 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 8, 2010
To be or not to be....
so, the husband and i had a discussion this morning, about whether or not i should stay home after the baby is born. i keep going back and forth on the subject. i want to be home and take care of the baby, but all i've ever know is work. it's been my main focuss since i was 17 years old. theses are the kind of decisions i never thought i would make, because in all honesty i always thought the answer would be clear. of course i would immediately go back to work. so, i need a little help in this area. what should i be? a stay at home mom or a working mom?
Posted by Mrs.Q at 7:49 AM 0 comments
Labels: pregnant
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Our first sonogram.
We had our first sonogram on thursday, and I have to say it was amazing! It's one thing to see pregnant on the pregnancy test, and another to see your little one on the screen. It makes it more real some how, especially since I havent been having alot of morning sickness. It was a very happy moment for me and Vash(the husband). When you see that little thing growing inside of you, you realize that you've made the right decision. I had been feeling a little depressed for a few days, but at work I finally shook it off. I want to be a happy mommy and enjoy every aspect of this pregnancy. I'll never get these moments back. I am also waiting for the arrival of my new nephew Jose Jossiah Rosario. I can't wait to see what he looks like. It's been the time of babies in my family. So, I can't really complain. I am generally happy and just can't wait until we finish painting and decorating. I don't care if people think it's too soon, and that we should wait. I enjoy doing things at my own time and pace. So, until next time blog world.
Posted by Mrs.Q at 2:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 27, 2010
About to be 3 months in a week and few days. :O)
Soo, in about a week and a few days i'll be 12 weeks. YAY! It's so exciting and i'm so happy. My belly is getting rounder, my moods are not controlable, I always have to pee, and i'm hungry! I'm not complaining, i'm actually enjoying all of this, the lord has blessed me in the most awesome way imaginable, and my family is so supportive. Last week we picked out the most perfect blue for the babies room. We don't know what it is yet, but my husband wants to pant the room like a sky and put clouds, trees, and grass on the walls. I'm soo looking forward to that. I'm actually having a easy pregnancy(knock on wood) right now. I keep thinking about what he or she is going to look like. I think way into the future of us watching disney movies, singing and dancing together. The future holds so much and i'm excited and a little nervous. But nerves are to be expected.
Posted by Mrs.Q at 8:22 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 23, 2010
I'm Pregnant!
Today is one of the happiest days of my life! I took two pregnancy test this morning(one regular and one digital) and they both read PREGNANT! I can't even express how happy I am right now. My husband started crying. My mom and da were so happy. It's just amazing. Thank you God for giving me this gift. I know i'm not far along, but it's an amazing feeling. I'm so ready. What a great way to start the new year!
Posted by Mrs.Q at 7:18 AM 0 comments