About Me

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I am a wife, daughter, sister, aunt, god-mother, grand-daughter, cousin, niece, and a now a MOM! I am married to my best friend, and sometimes pain in the butt husband:O) We live in New Jersey, and for the most part lead very quiet lives(very different from our single lives!) I am the mothe of a beautiful boy, Raziel Lucian Quinonez. He is definately the love of my life and I am mgrateful for each moment I get to spend with him.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Our first Thanksgiving as a family.

Our first Thanksgiving together was great. We spent it at my dad's house. My brothers, sisters, nephew, and godson were there. We went all out with Raziel's outfit. He looked so adorable!! Vash also looked so great! We are so blessed. I am just so thankful for my little family and my big one.
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Sunday, November 28, 2010

I love him!

Yes, I love him, everything about him. I love his little tiny toes, his little tiny hands, his gorgeous gray eyes, the way his hair parts to the side, and even the way he whines. I love him. I love him more then I ever thought was possible, and when he smile at me I realize that I can always love him a little more. He's perfect, even on not so perfect days. He's a part of me in so many ways, a perfect litle mini-tabitha. I see a lot of myself in him, even now, and I know I am in trouble. But it's all o.k, because I would not, will not, trade this feeling of complete love for anything. I love him. When i'm away from him, I can't wait until he's back in my arms again. Sometimes I rush home just to be able to play with him. I Love Him. My little boy, my life, the reason why my heart beats, and my soul smiles!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE HIM!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Battle of the bottle.

Tonight was a difficult night for Raziel and I. He's getting so big, so fast, and he wants more milk. He slurps down his milk, and if it doesn't come out fast enough he screeches! If I take the bottle out to burp him it's like world war 3. I have the most stubborn two month old baby I have ever known. I have a feeling that we are going to have epic battles! What can I expect? He's his mother's son.

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Monday, November 15, 2010

The most beautifullest thing in this world!

Is seeing my husband and son together. No matter what happens, when I see Vash and Raziel together, my heart just melts. Raziel responds so well to his daddy! He laughs and coos. Vash sounds all funny, but thats what happens when you become a parent. You start talking like you lost your mind!
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BoBo Wars!!

Bobo wars: my son and I have a war with his pacifier! He wants it to calm him down, but then realizes that the rocking and the pacifier are putting him to sleep. He spits it out, cries, I put it back in, he's quiet, he spits it out again, cries again, and what do I do? Hell, I put it right back in his my mouth of course!!