About Me

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I am a wife, daughter, sister, aunt, god-mother, grand-daughter, cousin, niece, and a now a MOM! I am married to my best friend, and sometimes pain in the butt husband:O) We live in New Jersey, and for the most part lead very quiet lives(very different from our single lives!) I am the mothe of a beautiful boy, Raziel Lucian Quinonez. He is definately the love of my life and I am mgrateful for each moment I get to spend with him.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Just a little Razi information.

I just wanted to give a little information about the little man that has completely taken over my life. He is three months and a handful!! He has recently figured out where his hands are, and loves shoving them into his mouth. He also like to talk while shoving his hands in his mouth:O) He really isn't into toys, but loves when you talk to him. He likes the itsy bitsy spider, and is tickelish. I read to him occasionally, but really want to start reading to him every day. That means mommy needs to take a trip to B&N. He doesn't like falling asleep, and puts up the only fight. I think he thinks he's going to miss something. He smiles now, and when he's really happy he sticks out his tongue a little :P. He also is an exact replica of me, which kinda freaks me out a little(not in a bad way), just in a wow, there is a little me in this world way. He also likes it when I show him where his feet, toes, hands, and fingers are. Yes, I say, these are your feet, these are your toes, this is your hand, and these are your fing-ers. I get smiles when he's having a good day. He also love love loves his daddy! They have this bond, that i'm a little jealous of. Vash asks him how his day went, and Razi talks up a storm. Razi is an amazing baby, but I guess that's because he's my baby! LOL So, I leave you with a little video of the the little man, that has my heart.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

.A bath with daddy and a babbling baby.

So, last night Razi took a shower with daddy, and he had such a good time. Razi likes baths now.( thank goodness ) We really enjoy bath time, and try to make it fun. If only you could here us!! Lol

Also Razi is quit the talker now. He gets really exited and loud. The best part is that he recognizes us!! When he sees one of us, his face lights up! It melts my heart every time. I am so so blessed!
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Saturday, December 11, 2010

The ' right way', ' their way', and your way.

Nf/nIn the months leading up to Raziel's arrival I read everything I could get my hands on. I wanted to know what was going on with this life that was being created inside of me. Now that Raziel is here, I haven't read a damn thing, and this is why.

When he was born there was the ' right way to things'. I tried these things and we were not happy! For example breast feeding!! It was the most horrible time for us. He was frustrated, I was frustrated, they spoke to me about nipple confussion(nipple what!?) Blah blah blah!! Then I did it my way, and we're the happiest duo ever!

Then came 'their way'. Examples: Maybe you should feed him more. This said person proceeded to give him more ounces then he ate, but because they were doing it in a sneaky way ; they didn't add enough formula. He shouldn't lay like that. Even though that was and is the only way he sleeps comfortably. He's spoiled! But then every time he made a sound, people would pick him up!

Then there is ' your way'. This is the best way! Almost 3 months in and Raziel is thriving! We have him on a schedule, that we came up with, and he's taking to it wonderfully. I listen to what feels right to me and to my baby. So what if I hold him to much! So what if he's a little chunky! So what if I give him formula! So freaking what!(sorry venting) The truth is there is no ' right way' with a baby. ' Their way' may not work for you. So go ahead. Do it your way, because that's the best way!

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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The thing that makes my heart smile.

Is that wonderful smile. I come home from work and he smiles at me. My day gets instantly better. I'm so in love with my little boy.

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