About Me

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I am a wife, daughter, sister, aunt, god-mother, grand-daughter, cousin, niece, and a now a MOM! I am married to my best friend, and sometimes pain in the butt husband:O) We live in New Jersey, and for the most part lead very quiet lives(very different from our single lives!) I am the mothe of a beautiful boy, Raziel Lucian Quinonez. He is definately the love of my life and I am mgrateful for each moment I get to spend with him.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The love of Spongebob :0)

Raziel loves the cartoon Spongebob Square Pants. He hears the beginning song and is instantly glued to the t.v. He even sings the song!! He is so adorable! Yesterday we bought him a huge stuffed spongebob and he was so excited! Ive never seen him act that way. Viva la Spongebob! For now, lol.
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